What most patients fail to understand is that the blood has a way of telling the doctor a true prognosis. If a patient is admitted to the hospital for chest pain, blood will be drawn at least every eight hours to monitor cardiac enzymes. If the patient is having a heart attack, the cardiac enzymes will continue to elevate hours after the heart attack. If a patient is diabetic, it tells the doctor that they've been eating right and avoiding "bad food," the doctor is able to check their blood and the Hemoglobin A1C will tell them if they're being honest or not! The blood is able to tell if your electrolytes are stable, if your cholesterol levels are high/low, it will tell if you have a specific disease, if you're pregnant, or using drugs. The blood is able to tell what is going on with the different systems of the body, allowing the doctor to focus on how to treat you. When admitted to the hospital or visiting a doctor you will notice that you are asked about your mother, father, and siblings. Why...because most diseases are passed down the family line.
The blood has a voice and when it speaks, it doesn't lie.
When Jesus died on the cross, his blood was shed for us. Hebrews 9:22 tells us "without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." We are released from the guilty verdict that was against us because of His blood. When our enemy accuses us, the blood of Jesus stands and says "NOT GUILTY" on our behalf. Revelation 12:11 lets us see that we have overcoming power because of the blood of Jesus. Often we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life and we want to throw in the towel. And our enemy again stands against us to wear us out, the blood of Jesus takes the stand for us gives us overcoming power against him! Sometimes we feel that we will live as our parents once did and that we won't amount to much in life because of our present situations, that the generational curses of our ancestors will fall upon us. But Revelation 5: 9-10 tells us because He redeemed us with the shedding of His blood, "He has made us kings and priests...and we shall reign on earth." You are a king and priest, by the shedding of His blood!
So, you see blood has a mouth..and it tells a story, painting a crystal picture to all those who read it. When blood is drawn, a laboratory report is printed and placed in a chart. Jesus had his blood drawn on Calvary many years ago and the report was placed in the chart of what we call the Holy Bible. You may not like what your blood has said about you, and that's ok! You have been redeemed by the shedding of Jesus blood. His blood is pure and holy. Allow Him to transfuse you today and be washed with His blood.
Receive Him today and believe His report!